Sioux County students win at History Day program


Students from Sioux County won several of the top honors Friday during Western Nebraska History Day at Chadron State College.

Winners from Sioux County included both of the top entries in the presentation category. Luke Prosser, a fifth grader at the Hillview School, won the junior division with “The History of 4-H,” and Shelly Fox, a student at Sioux County High at Harrison, was the senior division winner with “The Salem Witch Trials.”

Other winners from Sioux County included two students at the Glen School. Nick Buckley and Travis Johnson, won the junior division group exhibit with an upright, four-panel display spotlighting Doc Edgerton, a Nebraskan who invented the strobe light. Also winning a first from Sioux County was Chris Fricke, who is home schooled. He won the individual exhibit competition with his display on mountainman Jedediah Smith.

Another first was claimed by five students from Sioux County High School who did a documentary on Lewis and Clark.

All the other winners were from Banner County High School at Harrisburg or the Kewanee School east of Valentine in Cherry County. The top three exhibits in each category are eligible for the state history contest in Lincoln this spring.

A list of the state qualifiers follows:

Junior Division

Presentation—1, Luke Prosser, Hillview School in Sioux County, “The History of 4-H.

Individual Exhibit—1, Chris Fricke, Crawford, (home schooled), Jedediah Smith, 1799-1831. 2, Nikki Woods, Glen School, “Nellie Bly: More Than a World Explorer.”

Group Exhibit—1, Nick Buckley and Travis Johnson, Glen School in Sioux County, “Doc Edgerton Used a Magic Lamp to Explore an Unseen World;” 2, Trent Bannan and Evan Fox, Harrison Grade School, “West to the Land of Milk and Honey;” 3, Kodi Nunn, Cheyenne Shaw, April Stangle, Jodi Stangle and Meggan Woodrum, Harrison Grade School, “The Louisiana Purchase.”

Documentary—1, Erin Dunn, Amanda Dubs, Kami Ebke, Sarah Simmons and Bridget Weander, Kewanee School in Cherry County, “Shackleton’s Voyage of Endurance;” 2, Jace Lemmon, Ethan Simmons and Marshall Simmons, Kewanee School, “Spirit and Opportunity of the Mars Rover Project;” 3, Elizabeth Ellicott, Ariel Skavdahl and Sarah Windsor, Sioux County High, “Lost Memories: The Oregon Trail.”

Senior Division

Performance—1, Shelly Fox, Sioux County High, “The Salem Witch Trials.”

Senior Group Exhibit—1, Hannah Brown, Alica Lease, Brady Jones, Valarie Schleicher and Chance Whelchel, “Banner County Times;” 2, Jacqui McCormick and Chelsie McKenzie, Sioux County High,“Amundson vs. Scott, The Race to the South Pole.”

Documentary—1, Clay Anderson, Andrew Ellicott, Jason Mathis, Lane Skavdahl and Josh Windsor, Sioux County High, “Lewis and Clark;” 2, none awarded; 3, D.J. Griffith and Matthew Huffman, Banner County High, “The Donner Party.”

-CSC College Relations

Category: Campus News, Social Sciences