Internships help CSC students gain valuable experience

Top, from left, Buchmeier, Covey, Enright, Erwin, 法立科. Bottom, Gilchriest, Hinzman, Pritchard, Reed and Shafer.
Top, from left, Buchmeier, Covey, Enright, Erwin, 法立科. Bottom, Gilchriest, Hinzman, Pritchard, Reed and Shafer.


Since her boyfriend was doing construction work at Camp Pendleton, 夏德隆州立大学大四学生凯蒂·恩莱特想在加州度过这个夏天. 她还需要获得一些实习学分,因为这是CSC家庭和消费者科学专业的要求.

因此,去年春天,恩莱特在网上搜索加州奥申赛德的室内设计师., and came up with about a dozen of them. 她的一个联系人是珍妮特·耶利(Jeannette Yearley),她在家里经营着JY Design.

“She said I could come out and work with her, 所以我就这么做了,恩莱特说。, 派恩代尔人, 怀俄明州. “We had a great time together and I had an awesome experience. I learned so much and got to do so many neat things.”

主要是, Yearley和Enright是在南加州建造豪华住宅的夫妇的“买家”. “We’d meet with them and they’d tell us what they wanted. We’d also make suggestions and discuss the possibilities. Then we went shopping for them in Los Angeles, San Diego and even into Mexico. 我们还去了洛杉矶的一个大型贸易展,11层楼的大楼里摆满了你能想到的所有东西.

“有时我们会买一个特定的房间,比如厨房或客厅,有时我们会买整个房子. I found out that this is the kind of work I want to do after I graduate.”

Enright was one of 95 CSC students who had internships this past summer. 该项目使他们有机会获得与专业相关的经验,同时还能获得大学学分. 他们中的大多数人说,这是非常有益的,因为他们把他们的大学培训工作的监督下的人在该领域谋生.

Besides family and consumer science, 心理学, 法律研究与健康, 体育和娱乐部门要求他们的专业在毕业前获得实习学分. Many business majors also hold internships. Most of the other programs encourage it.

经常, the internship leads to employment with the firm or agency the students work for, according to Deena Kennell and Deb Meter, who are the director and coordinator of the program, 分别.

“这让雇主和学生都有机会在签订任何长期协议之前相互了解,肯尼尔说. “大多数学生告诉我们,他们学到了很多东西,许多雇主说,学生们给他们和他们的企业或机构带来了新的活力和新的想法. It often works out really well for both of them.”

At CSC, up to 18 hours of internship credit may be applied toward a degree. The students must work 50 hours for each hour of credit they earn, and objectives have to be established for each hour of credit. “The work experience must be worthy of credit,” Meter noted.

尽管Enright没有得到报酬,但她说这并不重要,因为她获得了独特的经历, most interns receive at least minimum wage. Most of the students don’t venture as far away from home or the campus as Enright did, but CSC students had internships in seven states this summer.

Business major Lindsay Erwin of Lincoln had an internship with the Lincoln Saltdogs, a pro baseball team in Lincoln.

“I did a little bit of everything,” Erwin said. “I worked in the ticket booth, 我卖纪念品, 在比赛期间,我帮助处理客户关系和体育场运营,并帮助《ladbrokes立博官网》,” the big dog that is the mascot at the games. Some weeks when the team was at home, I wound up working 80 hours a week, but I didn’t care because it was fun.”

With Erwin’s assistance, a CSC alumni gathering was arranged at one of the games. About 40 people who live in the Lincoln area and have CSC ties participated.

Brian Shafer, a senior theater major from Ord, was also in the entertainment business. 他在第二风牧场工作时获得了9个小时的学分,该牧场负责举办康斯托克流行的风车节. 他说至少有14人,今年夏天,有000人涌向这个牧场参加乡村和西部音乐会, 摇滚和福音音乐.

Like Erwin, Schafer said his duties varied. “我帮助搭建了一个舞台, I painted the windmills and the 104-year-old Dempster house that is at the ranch. I did some promotional work and I made runs to buy more food and ice when we ran out. I kept busy, that’s for sure.”

Another CSC business major found there’s lots of variety in today’s banking. Senior Travis Covey of Alliance worked at the Security First Bank in Hay Springs. “我是兼职出纳, 我从事投资工作, 我看到了贷款是如何处理的,特别是在7月底的冰雹风暴之后,我学到了很多关于保险的知识,柯维说。. “I tried to learn as much as I could. 我可能对农业贷款了解得最多,因为我没有农业背景,他们的很多贷款都是给农业生产者的. It was an interesting experience. I found I definitely want to pursue a career in banking.”

A member of the CSC football team, Covey is continuing to work at the bank Monday afternoons, when the Eagles don’t have practice.

另一个商科专业, 马克Buchmeier, who worked for an insurance agency in his hometown of Bayard, said he determined he’s not cut out for that line of work. “我和我的老板相处得很好,学到了很多关于保险业务的知识,我相信这将使我的余生受益. 但我发现我不想每天在办公室的桌子后面坐八个小时. I think I’ll try something like real estate where I can move around more.”

去年夏天,还有一名商科专业的学生在南达科他州的复活节海豹队实习期间,确实走出去了. 马特·里德主要出售2004年哈雷戴维森传统经典摩托车的奖券, raising thousands of dollars in the process. 一些宣传工作是与拉皮德城广播电台合作进行的,该电台共同赞助了抽奖活动,同时他还召集了志愿者来帮助销售拉皮德城传统节和斯特吉斯摩托车拉力赛的门票. Some $20,000 worth of tickets were sold at the latter event. 除了, 他说服拉皮德城的一个汽车经销商捐赠了一辆1993年的庞蒂克太阳鸟,以1美元的价格拍卖,100.

CSC的两名学生之前倾向于印刷新闻,他们在夏天尝试了电子媒体. Britney 法立科 worked for a Bismarck, N.D., radio station while Erika Pritchard worked at KCSR radio in Chadron.

法立科, whose home is on a ranch about 30 miles south of Bismarck, said she shadowed nearly everyone at the station. Thus she conducted interviews for remote broadcasts, assisted with fund-raisers and worked with the station’s web site.

“It was really interesting. I might go into broadcast journalism now,” said 法立科.


“I enjoyed being on the air, although you have to be careful what you say and still you can’t be tongue-tied. 即使你没有剧本,你也要不停地说,说一些有价值的东西,普理查德说.

普莱森顿,内布拉斯加州., native said she was planning to seek a newspaper job prior to her radio experience, but likes the fact that she now has another option.

美国沃尔的特里什·欣茨曼(Trish Hinzman)说.D., said she had a good time working for the U.S.位于科罗拉多州西南部四角地区圣胡安国家森林的林务局. She primarily worked in human resources, 她大部分时间都在电脑前处理人事记录和福利需求. 她之前曾在林业局担任过其他职务,今年春天毕业后,她将成为一名全职员工.


Travis Gilchriest, a senior from Fort Laramie, 怀俄明州., worked for the Goshen County Weed and Pest Control based in Torrington. 他的主要职责是调查蚊子幼虫和成虫,这是全州西尼罗热研究的一部分. 他从该县的水体中收集样本,以建立基线数据,供将来使用.

“我们试图确定库蚊的繁殖热点,库蚊是西尼罗河病毒的主要载体,吉尔克里斯特说. “我们还试图确定该县蚊子种群的物种多样性. This has never been done before. I hope to go back next year and do more with this project..”

Gilchriest said the internship fit in well with his biology major, 并让他见了一些来自怀俄明大学和加州大学的杰出科学研究人员. 他现在正在扩展他今年夏天收集的数据,作为他秋季学期末的生物学研讨会报告的主题.


-Con Marshall, Director of 信息

类别: Campus 新闻, Student Awards & 成就