
第一排,左起,弗朗西斯·科特尼博士. 罗伯特·汉伦,莫尼·霍特. 最后一排,唐纳德·G. 理查德·珀斯利. 谢泼德和图拉法诺.
第一排,左起,弗朗西斯·科特尼博士. 罗伯特·汉伦,莫尼·霍特. 最后一排,唐纳德·G. 理查德·珀斯利. 谢泼德和图拉法诺.


6位夏德龙州立学院的毕业生将于10月9日星期六获得杰出校友奖. 在返校节和乐队日庆祝活动期间. 演讲将在学生中心的午餐会上进行.



He is a Kimball native who earned his bachelor’s degree from Chadron State in 1956 and his master’s degree from CSC in 1961. 他是一位杰出的教育家. 内华达州拉斯维加斯的一所中学以他的名字命名.他和他的大部分家人都住在那里.

考特尼曾在怀俄明大学(University of Wyoming)学习了一年,在夏德龙州立大学(Chadron State)学习了一个学期,之后加入了美国陆军.S. Air Force. 在路易斯安那驻扎期间,他遇到了他的妻子露丝并与之结婚.

科特尼在海恩尼斯开始了他的教学和教练生涯. 然后,他在联盟街呆了六年. Agnes在悉尼东部的Sunol学校担任了两年的督学.

1964年,科特尼一家搬到了拉斯维加斯. 教了两年社会研究之后, 他被提升为吉姆·布里杰中学的校长, 他在那里服役了六年. 之后,他成为伍德伯里学校的校长,在那里待了九年. 他在卡什曼中学担任校长两年后,于1984年结束了他的职业生涯.

课程规划是科特尼的激情所在, 他还因引入了一些创造性的课程和日程安排项目而闻名.

1998年,弗朗西斯·科特尼中学在拉斯维加斯成立. 以他的名字命名的活动是由一位曾与他共事的老师发起的. 提名委员会收到了至少80封支持信. 一篇报纸文章报道说,大约有150个名字被考虑过.

退休后,科特尼利用他的艺术才华创作了数百幅油画. 科特尼夫妇有10个孩子. 大儿子已经去世,大女儿住在休斯顿. 其他人住在拉斯维加斯地区. 这对夫妇还有23个孙子孙女. 他的兄弟,牧师. 艾德·科特尼是圣. 查德隆的帕特里克教堂.


Dr. 罗伯特·布奇·汉伦

Dr. Robert Hanlon is a Crawford native and a 1969 graduate of Chadron State who practiced medicine in Dawes County for 28 years before moving to Omaha in 2003 to become the medical director for a group of urgent care centers.

他是内布拉斯加州医学协会协会事务委员会的成员, served on Gov. Ben Nelson’s “Blue Ribbon” Committee on Health Care and was president of the Greater Nebraska Medical Coalition Board 1998-99.

In 1994, Dr. 汉龙因家庭社区服务而获得Ak-Sar-Ben表彰. In addition, he received the Volunteer Faculty of the Month Award from the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s College of Medicine for May 2002 for helping with the rural preceptorship program that provided experiences in the Chadron clinic for medical school students.

长期以来,音乐一直是他的业余爱好. Hanlon. 在高中的时候, his parents, 艾德和格里·汉隆, 给他买了一个高质量的男高音萨克斯. 在乍得州立大学就读期间, 他是《ladbrokes立博中文版》杂志的成员, 由乔和伯莎·霍斯家族创立的流行舞蹈乐队.

他是1991年成立的波尔多社区乐队的创始成员. 本世纪初, he presented a series of recitals that raised funds for a music scholarship to be awarded to a Chadron State student in the name of the Esquires.

Dr. 汉隆娶了以前的黛比·邦奇, who also grew up in the Crawford area and earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Chadron State. Her community service while living in Chadron included nearly 15 years on the Board of Education and 10 years on Chadron’s economic development board. 这对夫妇有三个孩子——shane, Sarah和James (Skip)。.


Moni Hourt

莫尼·胡特是苏县一所乡村学校的老师,她才华横溢,精力充沛. 她和她的学生都因他们的成就而多次获得认可.

过去的一周, Hourt was presented the 2004 National Rural Education Association’s Teacher of the Year Award in Indianapolis. She also has received Peter Kiewit Foundation Nebraska Teacher Achievement Awards in 1996 and 2000 and was the Northwest Nebraska Region’s Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year in 2002.

特别是,她的学生在全州和全国历史日比赛中表现优异. 她合作过的十个个人和团体, 包括几所邻近学校的学生, 有资格参加全国比赛吗. 她的两名学生在华盛顿举行的全国竞赛中名列前两名.C.

苏县北部牧场的原住民, Hourt had raised her two children and worked as a newspaper photographer and reporter for about 20 years before enrolling at Chadron State in 1988. She received a bachelor of science degree in secondary language arts in 1991 and returned to earn a BS in elementary education in 1996.

She taught at the District 43 (Pink) School 1991-97 and has taught at the District 2 (Glen) School the past eight years. 多年来, 她为苏县的学生组织和合作组织了许多特别活动.

In addition, she has been a National History Day judge the past three years and has been a presenter at the Nebraska Reading Association’s state conference, 林肯的社会研究教师会议和拉皮德城的中西部档案会议.

Hourt also has hosted Elderhostel groups that were exploring rural America and has been the co-author of two full-sized biographies, 《ladbrokes立博官网》,“卡斯帕的雕刻家克里斯·纳瓦罗和他的作品的故事, 还有《ladbrokes立博官网》,农场主厄尔·切里的故事. She is currently writing a book and producing a video on the Coffee family’s ranching legacy in Sioux County.

莫尼把这归功于她的父亲, 梅尔文国家, for encouraging her to tackle new projects and never letting a day go by without learning something; her mother, 塞尔玛的国家, for believing that nothing is impossible; 还有她的丈夫 Joe for supporting her efforts and telling her there’s no reason she can‘t complete the challenges that she frequently accepts.

小时夫妇的女儿, Buffy, 还有她的丈夫, Shawn Allred, 也有在伊利诺伊州当教师的查德隆州立大学毕业生. 乔和莫尼的儿子布莱恩毕业于南达科他州矿业与技术学院. 他是俄亥俄州本田公司的一名安全测试工程师,他的妻子卡琳娜是一名制药代表.


Donald G. Pursley

Dr. 自1959年从乍得州立大学毕业以来,唐·珀斯利的职业生涯经历了四个不同的阶段. 他曾担任空军飞行员和飞行教官, 他是美国国立大学计算机资源学院的教授和主任.S. 空军学院, the vice president for finance at Union College in Lincoln and the chief financial officer for Loma Linda University and related entities in California.

在今年早些时候从后一个职位退休后, 珀斯利被授予总统勋章, 这是洛马林达市对服务的最高奖励.

珀斯利是怀俄明州戈申县人. 1963年,他加入了联合国.S. 他是一架C-130大力神运输机的飞行员,曾在越南为部队空投物资. 当了9年飞行员后,他加入了美国空军.S. 他的职责包括计算机资源主管. 1984年,他以上校的身份从空军退役.

在空军服役期间, Pursley earned a master of science degree in computer science from Georgia Tech in 1973 and a doctorate of business administration degree from George Washington University.

In 1984, 珀斯利受雇于联合学院, where his duties included chairman of the Division of Business and Computer Science and vice president for finance.

珀斯利加入了洛马林达大学, 一个健康科学机构,有3个,1991年有1000名学生. 他是一家有85张床位的精神病院的首席财务官, 该大学医疗保健中心接待了大约300名患者,每年有1000名门诊病人, a medical group that employs 220 hospital-based medical doctors and surgeons and a medical group that employs 45 doctors.

He also served as executive vice president and senior vice president and chief financial office for the university and its medical center, 包括一个有789张床位的医院.

他的退休计划, Steven Mohe, 医疗中心的高级财务副总裁, 称珀斯利为“道德指南针”, 一位精神导师和真正的朋友.”

珀斯利和他的妻子简在佛罗里达州的林肯和奥兰多都有房子. 他们有两个儿子和五个孙子.

Richard E. Shepherd

他是奥什科什人, 他1959年毕业于查德龙州立大学,主修化学和数学. 他于1972年获得佐治亚大学工业药剂学硕士学位.

他在美国有超过40年的工作经验.S. 美国食品药品监督管理局, 两家财富100强制药公司——travenol Laboratories和G.D. 塞尔实验室和他自己的咨询公司.

现在住在德克萨斯州的伯恩.谢泼德是FDA最初的四位国际药物专家之一. 他大约50%的职责是在国际制药业务, 包括对美国以外的药品和原料药生产商的检查.


后来,他担任G.D. 塞尔实验室, 他在哪里制定和实施质量政策, 在全球范围内提高质量和法规遵从性的系统和计划.

应苏联国家科学技术委员会的要求, he developed GMP training programs that he presented in Moscow at a conference for the Russian pharmaceutical industry.

在Travenol实验室,Shepherd是公司集团的质量保证经理. His responsibilities included line quality operations for four domestic and international divisions and developing corporate responses to FDA inspection findings at worldwide production facilities.

他的咨询公司, Richard Shepherd Associates公司, works with domestic and international pharmaceutical companies to prepare them for FDA inspections for approval of new products, 并评估他们的法规遵从性. He has written and narrated training programs to assist pharmaceutical companies in training their employees. 这些项目已经被FDA使用.



Togiola T.A. Tulafono

他在查德隆州立大学读书时叫塔拉, 图拉福诺多年来一直是美属萨摩亚的政府领导人之一, 目前是该州第52任州长.

在1968年进入查德龙州立大学之前, Tulafono had been a member of his homeland’s fire and sword dance team that performed for several months at the World’s Fair in New York.

而在查德龙州立大学, he frequently performed a fire and sword dance routine that was popular with audiences both on-campus and in surrounding communities. He also won the triple jump at the Nebraska College Conference Track and Field Meet and set a new school record in that event as a senior in 1970.

毕业后, Tulafono was a legal assistant in the American Samoa attorney general’s office and served as administrative assistant to the secretary of Samoan affairs for two years. 然后,他在堪萨斯州托皮卡的沃什伯恩大学获得了法学博士学位.

回到萨摩亚后, 1976年至1978年担任南太平洋岛航空公司副总裁, 当过两年地方法院法官. 1980年,他当选为美属萨摩亚参议员,任职16年.

1979年至1983年, 图拉福诺是美属萨摩亚电力局首任董事会主席. 1993年至1996年,他担任首届高等教育委员会主席.

1996年,他当选为美属萨摩亚副州长. 2000年,他再次当选. 他于2003年4月7日宣誓就任州长. 他将在今年秋天竞选州长.

In addition, he is chairman of the Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa and is district president of the American Samoa District of Boy Scouts of America.

塔拉和他的妻子玛丽有六个孩子. 他的兄弟雷和雷的三个孩子也毕业于查德隆州立大学.

-Con Marshall,新闻总监

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